The busy streets filled with people from all over the world. Like ants spilling through the roads. The stores filled with goods and presents. The pushing and shoving the yelling and bargaining. The honking and the screeching of car wheels filling your ears. Its another place's downtown, the downtown of Puerto Rico.
"Andale amigos! Vamanos" - unknown
The historical sites of San Juan Puerto Rico. The crumbling building that where from thousands of years ago. The rusting stone that gives the building its meaning. The life that was once there, and now ghosts roam that halls and walls.
"When something has meaning it will last forever, doesnt matter how old it will get. It will always have meaning." - unknown
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
St. Thomas an island in the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. The gorgeous sites of the bluest waters, the warmest airs, the greenest trees, the brightest skies. The perfect place where anything can happen.
"Let the heart of the islands show you their beauty." - unknown
Enjoying the fun, enjoying the time in the sun, enjoying the beach, the sand. The golden little strands of rock getting anywhere it possibly can: in your shoes, clothes, bag, swim suit. Diving into the warm water to relax and wash away everything that clumps your mind. Thats the beauty of vacation.
"a vacation used to be a luxury, however, in today's world, it has become a necessity." - unknown
Monday, December 28, 2009
Looking out the transparent window to the blue ocean going on into forever. The diamond ripples sparkle at the bright sunrise all through the glowing sunset. But when the only thing you see is ocean after ocean you begin to think of what world is there beneath the waters. What if there is something that no one knows of. Something as beautiful as glimmering crystal ripples. Something that no one can prove of, something mythical, a long legend from thousands of years ago, the untitled insanity beneath the water.
"That's the thing with magic. You've got to know it's still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you." - Charles de Lint
Friday, December 25, 2009
The bright burning fire, expressing the yearning anger. The hot fury filling your veins. Taking away something from you leaving you empty with one thing: rage, hatred, gloom, grieve. The Heat stares you dead in the eye knowing it has won. Knowing you can't do anything about it but only let it pass and wait for the ice put out the blaze.
"Fire destroys that which feeds it" - Simone Weil
The sun has disappeared, with the moon taking its place in the night sky. Stars sprinkled across the sky shining down below. The perfect night for a masquerade. Women with silk sparkling dresses and diamonds drizzled onto the skin. The stupendous masks layered with deep rubies, youthful emeralds, and shining feathers. Glimmering chandeliers glowing in the dimmed light. Music from instruments fill the space as the couplets waltz through the night.
"And, After all, what is a lie? 'Tis but the truth in a masquerade" - Lord Byron
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Look up to the to the tops of trees and find something new. Look up the rough bark of the sleeping trees up to the lively leaves that sit on each branch.
"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." - Frank Lloyd Wright